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Creating Models

There are three pathways to creating models in Pmetrics.

  • Use the Pmetrics Model Builder app
  • Write a model list in R
  • Load an existing model text file

Each of these use sections to define the model. In the app, the sections correspond to tabs. In the list, they are named elements. In the model file, they are code blocks delimited by “#” and the name of the block. The sections are largely the same across the three model pathways, and we’ll cover the details in this document.

Model Builder App

To launch the app, type the following into your console:


You can supply a PM_data and/or a PM_model as optional arguments to the function, e.g. build_model(NPex$data) or build_model(NPex$model) or even build_model(NPex$data, NPex$model). The order of data and/or model arguments doesn’t matter. Pmetrics can figure out which is which.

Model List

You can write a Pmetrics model list in R. Blocks in the model files which were delimited with the “#” character become lists in R6. You can also generate a model in the app and copy it as a list to R which can be used in PM_model$new(copied_list). Once in R, PM_model list objects can be updated using the $update() method.

Model Files

The format of the .txt model file has been unchanged since Pmetrics 0.4. You can write the file by hand, or use the app to create a model and then save it to a file. Once you have a file, it can be loaded in to R with PM_model$new("file").

mod1 <- PM_model$new("model.txt") 
#assumes model.txt is in working directory
#check with list.files() and/or getwd()

Saved models are only text files. You can write files directly yourself, although it is easier and more stable to use the model building app. We will review the format of the files in detail. In either R6 or Legacy Pmetrics, models are ultimately translated into Fortran text files with a header version of TSMULT...

Naming your model files. The default model file name is “model.txt,” but you can call them whatever you wish. However, please keep the number of characters in the model file name ≤ 8. When you use a model file in a $run() method, at the end of the run, your original model file will be left where it is, but a copy called “genmodel.txt” will be in the /inputs subfolder of the run folder, and a “genmodel.for” Fortran model file will be in the /etc subfolder of the run folder.

Structure of model files. The model file is a text file with up to 10 blocks, each marked by "#" followed by a header tag. For each header, only the capital letters are required for recognition by Pmetrics. The blocks can be in any order, and header names are case-insensitive (i.e. the capitalization here is just to show which letters are required). Fortran is also case-insensitive, so in variable names and expressions case is ignored. We include a complete example.

Important: Sometimes it is important to preserve spacing and formatting in Fortran code that you might insert into blocks, particularly the #EXTRA block. If you wish to do this, insert [format] and [/format] before and after any code that you wish to reproduce verbatim with spacing in the fortran model file.

Comments: You can insert comments into your model text file by starting a line with a capital “C” followed by a space. These lines will be removed/ignored in the final Fortran code.

Model Sections

The model building app has a unique Model library section not found in model files or lists.

Sections common to all the model building pathways include the following:

Lastly, sections which are specific to model files:

Model Library

Here you can choose from pre-existing models, either which you have created yourself and load with the Previous Model dialogue, or from the Pmetrics Model Library. Use the filters and description search to help select the model you want. Matching models will update in the box at the bottom. If you select one, you’ll see a model snapshot on the right.

In the snapshots, B is for bolus inputs, R is for Rate infusions (e.g. intravenous infusions), and Y is for observations. Arrows indicate the flow of drug. The grey compartment 0 is the environment.

Once you choose a model, hit the “Select” button at the bottom to populate remaining model components. Similarly, if you load a Previous Model, model components will be appropriately populated.



In this tab, you can choose the number and names of the primary parameters. Variable names should be 11 characters or fewer. Some variable names are reserved for use by Pmetrics and cannot be used as primary variable names. The number of primary variables must be between 2 and 32, with at most 30 random or 20 fixed.

These are the parameters for which value probability distributions will be estimated. You can specify initial values as ranges or mean/SD. The mean is the mid point of a range and the SD is 1/6 of the range, i.e. 3 SD above and below the mean. If you omit the second value for a parameter (Max or SD), the parameter will become “fixed”, i.e. unknown value but zero variance in the population. In other words Pmetrics will estimate the value but make it the same for the whole population. The value you provide will be the starting estimate. If you check the constant option, it will fix the parameter to your value for every subject and not estimate. The GTZ option keeps the parameter positive, which is only relevant for parametric analysis, since nonparametric will respect parameter ranges strictly.

In the bottom you see the Model Diagram and the Model List. These dynamically build as you complete the Model Components.


Primary variables are a list named “pri”, comprising named elements which are the parameters, and the function to define the parameter, one parameter to a line.

The two defining function are ab and msd. Choose one for each parameter. The first defines the absolute search space for that parameter for NPAG/NPOD, i.e., the range. For IT2B/RPEM, it defines the mean of the prior as the midpoint of the range, and the range covers 6 standard deviations, e.g. ±3 SD above and below the mean, or 99.7% of the prior distribution. msd is the companion function that specifies a mean and SD in IT2B and RPEM. For NPAG/NPOD, it will be converted in to a range in the reverse fashion as described for ab. For both specifying functions, gtz is an argument to force the parameter value to be positive, i.e. gtz=T, which is the default. To allow negative parameters, set gtz=F.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 20),
      eff = ab(-2, 2, gtz = F)


Primary variables are a list of variable names, one name to a line. On each line, following the variable name, is the range for the parameter that defines the search space. These ranges behave slightly differently for NPAG, IT2B, and the simulator.

  • For all engines, the format of the limits is min, max. A single value will indicate that the parameter is to be fixed but unknown in the population, i.e. the value is taken as the starting point for the optimization, but the final value will depend on the model and data and will be the same across the population. A single value followed by an “!” will indicate that this value is to be held constant (i.e. fixed and known) across the population, and not to be estimated.

  • For NPAG, when min, max limits are specified, they are absolute, i.e. the algorithm will not search outside this range.

  • For IT2B, the range defines the Bayesian prior distribution of the parameter values for cycle 1. For each parameter, the mean of the Bayesian prior distribution is taken as the middle of the range, and the standard deviation is xsig*range (see IT2B runs). Adding a plus sign (+) to a line will prevent that parameter from being assigned negative values. NPAG and the simulator will ignore the pluses as the ranges are absolute for these engines. Note that prior to version 1.5.0, this used to be an exclamation point (!) but to be consistent throughout the model file, the exclamation point is now used when fixed values are desired.

  • The simulator will ignore the ranges with the default value of NULL for the limits argument. If the simulator limits argument is set to NA, which will mean that these ranges will be used as the limits to truncate the simulation (see Simulator Runs).


KE, +0, 5
V, 0.01, 100
KA, 0, 5
KCP, 5
KPC, 0 , 5
Tlag1, 0, 2
IC3, 0, 10000
FA1, 0.5!


Covariates are subject-specific data, such as body weight, contained in the data .csv file. The covariate names, which are the column names in the data file, must be declared, even if not used in the model object. Once declared, they can be used in secondary variable and differential equations. The order and names should be the same as in the data file.

Covariates are applied at each dose event. The first dose event for each subject must have a value for every covariate in the data file. To change a covariate value at a time other than a dose, enter a dose event with dose amount of zero.

By default, missing covariate values for subsequent dose events are linearly interpolated between existing values, or carried forward if the first value is the only non-missing entry. However, you can suppress interpolation and carry forward the previous value in a piece-wise constant fashion, depending on the way you define the model as described below.


If you launch the Model Builder with a PM_data object as an argument, the covariate tab will be pre-populated with the covariates in the data file, as above. The same is true if you include a PM_model object as an argument to build_model(). If you include both, the covariates in the PM_data object will take precedence. You can select any of them to make them piece-wise constant, i.e. the value is held constant between measurements. If left unchecked, covariate values will be linearly interpolated between measurements.


Covariates are a list of objects returned by the covariate() function. The first argument for the function is the quoted name of the covariate, and the second argument is constant, which is FALSE by by default. This means that missing covariate values for subsequent dose events are linearly interpolated between existing values, or carried forward if the first value is the only non-missing entry. Set this argument to TRUE to make a covariate piece-wise constant.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(...),
    cov = list(
      covariate("age", constant = TRUE)


List the covariates by name, one per line in the #COV block. To make a covariate piece-wise constant, include an exclamation point (!) in the declaration line.

Note that any covariate relationship to any parameter may be described as the user wishes by mathematical equations and Fortran code, allowing for exploration of complex, non-linear, time-dependent, and/or conditional relationships. This is accomplished in the #Sec block.



where IC will be piece-wise constant and the other two will be linearly interpolated for missing values.


Secondary variables are those that are defined by equations that are combinations of primary, covariates, and other secondary variables. Pmetrics does NOT generate distributions for the values of secondary variables. They are only used internally to define the model.


If using secondary variables, define them first within this tab. Equation syntax for Secondary equations must be Fortran. It is permissible to have conditional statements, but because expressions in this block are translated into variable declarations, expressions other than of the form “X = function(Y)” must be on a new line, prefixed by “&” and contain only variables which have been previously defined in the Primary, Covariate, or Secondary blocks.

The image shows examples of secondary variable declarations without conditions. Here are two examples of conditional secondary variables chosen on the basis of sex. The primary variables are Vm, Vf, CLm, and CLf.

V = Vm
&IF(sex == 1) V = Vf

V = Vm
CL = CLm
&IF(sex == 1) THEN
V = Vf


Specify each variable equation as a list of unnamed character elements in the same way as for the app. In the example below, V0 is the primary parameter which will be estimated, but internally, the model uses V as V0*wt, unless age is >18, in which case weight is capped at 75 kg. It’s the same for CL0. Note that the conditional statement is not named.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      CL0 = ab(0, 5),
      V0 = msd(10, 3),
      eff = ab(-2, 2, gtz = F)
    cov = list(
    sec = list(
      "V = V0*wt",
      "&IF(age >18) V = V0 * 75",
      "CL = CL0 * wt"


Format is the same as for the app.


CL = Ke * V * wt**0.75
& IF(cyp .GT. 1) CL = CL * cyp

INItial conditions

By default, all model compartments have zero amounts at time 0. However, you can change the default initial condition of any compartment from 0 to something else. It can be an equation, primary or secondary variable, or covariate.


We’ll discuss more about the interface in the section on lag times.


Initial conditions can be changed as a list called “ini”, comprised of unnamed character elements. Each line of the vector specifies the compartment amount as “X[.] = expression”, where “.” is the compartment number. Primary and secondary variables and covariates may be used in the expression, as can conditional statements in Fortran code. An “&” continuation prefix is not necessary in this block for any statement, although if present, will be ignored.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
      IC3 = ab(0, 1000)
    cov = list(
    ini = list(
      "X[1] = IC2*V",
      "X[3] = IC3"

In the example above, IC is a covariate with the measured trough concentration prior to an observed dose and IC3 is a fitted primary parameter specifying an initial amount in unobserved compartment 3.

In the first case, the initial condition for compartment 2 becomes the value of the IC covariate (defined in cov list) multiplied by the current estimate of V during each iteration. This is useful when a subject has been taking a drug as an outpatient, and comes in to the lab for PK sampling, with measurement of a concentration immediately prior to a witnessed dose, which is in turn followed by more sampling. In this case, IC or any other covariate can be set to the initial measured concentration, and if V is the volume of compartment 2, the initial condition (amount) in compartment 2 will now be set to the measured concentration of drug multiplied by the estimated volume for each iteration until convergence.

In the second case, the initial condition for compartment 3 becomes another variable, IC3 defined in the pri list, to fit in the model, given the observed data.


The same example as for the list above is shown below in the format for the file.

X(2) = IC*V
X(3) = IC3

FA (bioavailability)

In this tab you can change the default bioavailability of any bolus input from 1 to something else. It can be an equation, primary or secondary variable, or covariate.


We’ll discuss more about the interface in the section on lag times.


Bioavailability for any bolus input can be changed from the default value of 1. Use a list called “fa”, comprised of unnamed character elements, where each line is of the form “FA[.] = expression”, and “.” is the input number. Primary and secondary variables and covariates may be used in the expression, as can conditional statements in Fortran code. An “&” continuation prefix is not necessary in this block for any statement, although if present, will be ignored.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
      FA1 = ab(0, 1)
    fa = list(
      "FA[1] = FA1"


The same example as for the list above is shown below in the format for the file.

FA(1) = FA1

LAG time

The lag time is a delay in absorption for a bolus input.


You can change the default delay in absorption of any bolus input from 0 to something else. It can be an equation, primary or secondary variable, or covariate. If you wish to use any of the latter three, select them from the drop down and the equation will pre-populate, as shown in the image. You can edit the equation or write your own equation. This is true for initial conditions and bioavailability in their tabs.


Use a list called “lag”, comprised of unnamed character elements, each of the form “LAG[.] = expression”, where “.” is the input number. Primary and secondary variables and covariates may be used in the expression, as can conditional statements in Fortran code. An “&” continuation prefix is not necessary in this block for any statement, although if present, will be ignored.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
      lag1 = ab(0, 4)
    lag = list(
      "LAG[1] = lag1"


The same example as for the list above is shown below in the format for the file.

TLAG(1) = Tlag1


These are the equations that define the structural model, i.e., the mathematical expressions that relate input (dose) to output (measurements). Pmetrics has a library of models with algebraic solutions and models can also use differential equations in a format compatible with R. Even algebraic models will contain differential equations for purposes of understanding and plotting the model, but algebraic models from the library include a token which tells Pmetrics how to choose the correct model. Details below.


If you have not loaded a prior model file or selected a model from the library, you can write the differential equations here. There can be a maximum of 20 such equations. The model diagram will update as information in the equations becomes available.

Use dX[i] for change in compartment amounts, where i is the compartment number, e.g. dX[1] or dX[2]. Compartment amounts are referred to as X[i], e.g. X[1] or X[2]. Use BOLUS[j] for bolus input j and RATEIV[k] for infusion k. The indeces j and k correspond to the INPUT column in the data file, which is usually omitted and assumed to be 1 for all doses. These can be abbreviated as “BOL[j]” or “B[j]”, for a bolus or “R[k]” for an infusion. The duration of the infusion and total dose is defined in the data.csv file. Up to 7 inputs are currently allowed. The DUR column in the data file determines whether a dose is treated as a BOLUS (DUR = 0) or RATEIV (DUR > 0). Any variable defined in PRI, COV, or SEC may be used in your equations.

If you build an algebraic model in the app by choosing it from the model library and save the file, it will contain an #EQN block, with a token to indicate that the model will be solved algebraically. The differential equations in this case are included only for information purposes and to enable plotting of the model. The format of the algebraic token is four comma-separated arrays, each surrounded by “[]” and named “P” for parameters in alpha order, “B” for bolus input compartments, “R” for rate (IV) input compartments, and “O” for output compartments. For example, “{algebraic: P[Ka,Ke,V], B[1], R[2], O[2]}” or “{algebraic: P[Ke,KCP,KPC,V], B[0], R[1], O[1]}”. UpdateEventually the tokens will also recognize model names familiar to many pharmacometricians such as {algebraic: ADVAN1 TRANS1} for {algebraic: P[Ke,V], B[0], R[1], O[1]}.

Note: If you change the equations of an algebraic model loaded from the library, you will receive a warning in the app that you are forcing use of ODE solvers, and your model list (and file) will no longer have the algebraic token. Beware also of changing the parameter names, as the algebraic models must use specifically named parameters. However, it is perfectly acceptable to add parameters,or even change primary parameters as long as the original appear in the secondary block. For example, if you wish to make volume dependent on weight, change V in the Primary section to something like V0 with appropriate range or mean/SD, and add V = V0 * wt to your Secondary section, assuming you have a covariate named “wt”. Because V is still defined, Pmetrics will know how to solve the algebraic model.


Specify a model as a list called “eqn”, comprised of unnamed character elements, with each element an ordinary differential equation in the same R format as for the app. Additional equations can be included.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ka = ab(0, 5),
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
      Kcp = ab(0, 5),
      Kpc = ab(0, 5)
    eqn = list(
      "ktotal = Ke + Kcp",
      "dX[1] = BOLUS[1] -Ka * X[1]",
      "dX[2] = RATEIV[1] + Ka * X[1] - (ktotal) * X[2] + Kpc * X[3]",
      "dX[3] = Kcp * X[2] - Kpc * X[3]"


This block was formerly called “#DIF”, and Pmetrics will recognize this header, but we encourage you to adopt the more general #EQN block name.


ktotal = Ke + KCP
dX[1] = BOLUS[1] -KA*X[1]
dX[2] = RATEIV[1] + KA*X[1] - (ktotal)*X[2] + KPC*X[3]
dX[3] = KCP*X[2] - KPC*X[3]

Pmetrics will still recognize the old Fortran format of XP(1), which is dX[1], and X(1), which is X[1], but please transition to the new format to be more compatible with R and eventual transition away from Fortran.


The outputs in Pmetrics are the values in the OUT column of the data that you are trying to predict. In the model objects, each output is referred to as Y[.], where “.” is the number of the output and the same as the corresponding OUTEQ in the data. Outputs can be defined as mathematical combinations of compartment amounts (X[.]), primary and/or secondary parameters, or covariates.

Output equations are in R format. However, if they include conditional statements, these should follow Fortran conventions, e.g. with IF() and ENDIF rather than R’s if(){} convention. An “&” continuation prefix is not necessary in this block for any statement, although if present, will be ignored. There can be a maximum of 6 outputs.

Because outputs are measurements, they have an associated error in that measurement. Pmetrics takes this into account by partitioning model residual prediction error into a fixed portion defined by the assay error, which may be inflated by an additive model error component \(\lambda\) or a proportional component \(\gamma\), which reflect additional noise and model misspecification. The remaining error is random.

In the app and list, the error is defined with each output. In the file, the error block is distinct from but correlates with the output block.


On this tab, you can choose the number of output equations and define the equation for each output. You do not need to specify “Y[.] =” in the equations. Simply include the right side of the equation in the field.

Include the Assay Error polynomial coefficients for each output equation. The four coefficients estimate SD according to the folowing equation: \(C0 + C1 * [obs] + C2 * [obs]^2 + C3 * [obs]^3\) and \([obs]\) is the observation. The values for the coefficients should ideally come from the analytic lab in the form of inter-run standard deviations or coefficients of variation at standard concentrations. You can use the Pmetrics function makeErrorPoly() to choose the best set of coefficients that fit the data from the laboratory. Alternatively, you can use a generic set of coefficients. We recommend that as a start, \(C0\) be set to half of the lowest concentration in the dataset and \(C1\) be set to 0.1. \(C2\) and \(C3\) can be 0.

If you check the Use Always? box, the model coefficients will be used regardless of what is in the data file. Leaving it unchecked, which is the default, means that coefficients in the data file will be used if present, and the ones here in the model definition will be used only if none are available for an observation in the data.

Choose your Model Error model from the drop down. The additive \(\lambda\) and proportional \(\gamma\) models both have fixed options. If not fixed, the parameter will be estimated, starting from the number in the Value field. If fixed, it will be held constant at the number in the Value field.

The proportional model weights each observation by \(1/(\gamma * SD)^2\), where \(\gamma\) is either fixed or estimated. The additive model weights each observation by \(1/(\lambda + SD)^2\), where \(\lambda\) is either fixed or estimated. The combination model uses \(1/((\gamma * SD)^2 + (\lambda + SD)^2)\).

In the proportional model, \(\gamma\) is a scalar on assay SD. In general, well-designed and executed studies and models with low mis-specification will have data with \(\gamma\) values approaching 1. Values <1 suggest over-inflated assay noise. Poor quality, noisy data will result in \(\gamma\) of 5 or more. A good starting value for \(\gamma\) is usually 5, and sometimes 10 early in model development if data are particularly complex or noisy.

In the additive model, \(\lambda\) is additive to assay SD. In general, well-designed and executed studies and models with low mis-specification will have data with \(\lambda\) values approaching 0. Values of 0 may suggest over inflated assay noise. Poor quality, noisy data will result in \(\lambda\) of \(5*C0\) or more. A good starting value for \(\lambda\) is usually \(3*C0\). Note, that \(C0\) should generally not be 0, as it represents machine noise (e.g. HPLC or mass spectrometer) that is always present.


The out list is a series of nested lists. The outermost list groups all the outputs, which are themselves lists named as Y1, Y2, etc. Each of these output lists contains the value of the equation and the error model. Within the error model for that output, is the last list comprising model and assay error specifications. In the examples below, we build this nested list structure gradually to make it more clear.

out = list(
  Y1 = list(...)

The output equation is a character vector named “val” followed by an error list.

out = list(
  Y1 = list(
    val = "X[1]/V",
    err = list(...)

The error model for an output equation has two elements. The first is the model error, which can be one of two functions: proportional for \(\gamma\) or additive for \(\lambda\). The arguments to these functions are a number and optionally fixed, which defaults to FALSE. If fixed is FALSE, the number serves as the starting estimate for the model error. If fixed is TRUE, the number serves as the model error, with no estimation. Note that you can only fix the additive model currently to zero.

The second element is the assay error model. It is a function errorPoly(coeffs, constant = FALSE). The first argument coeff is the vector of 4 numbers that defines a polynomial equation to permit calculation of the standard deviation of an observation, based on the noise of the assay. The second argument constant is FALSE by default, which means that coefficients in the data file will be used if present, and the ones here in the model definition will be used only if none are available for an observation in the data. If constant = TRUE, the model coefficients will be used regardless of what is in the data file.

out = list(
  Y1 = list(
    val = "X(1)/V",
    err = list(
      model = proportional(1),
      assay = errorPoly(c(0.15, 0.1, 0, 0))
out = list(
  Y1 = list(
    val = "X(1)/V",
    err = list(
      model = additive(1, fixed = TRUE)
      assay = errorPoly(c(0.05, 0.1, 0, 0), constant = TRUE)

More complete examples.

mod <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
    out = list(
      y1 = list(
        val = "X(1)/V",
        err = list(
          model = proportional(5),
          assay = errorPoly(c(0.05, 0.1, 0, 0))

mod2 <- PM_model$new(
    pri = list(
      kin = ab(0, 5),
      kout = ab(0, 5),
      tpd = ab(0, 5),
      V = msd(100, 30),
    sec = c(
      "RES = B(1) * KIN/(KIN-KOUT) * (EXP(-KOUT*TPD)-EXP(-KIN*TPD))"
    out = list(
      y1 = list(
        val = "RES/V",
        err = list(
          model = combination(0.4, 3) #additive, proportional
          assay = errorPoly(c(0.3, 0.15, 0, 0))

This last example is known as the Bateman equation for a model with linear absorption (KIN) into and elimination (KOUT) from a central compartment, and a time post-dose (TPD) or lag time. Here B(1) is the oral bolus dosing vector for drug 1, and V is the volume of the central compartment.


Outputs are of the form Y[.] = expression, where "." is the output equation number. Primary and secondary variables and covariates may be used in the expression, as can conditional statements in Fortran code. An "&" continuation prefix is not necessary in this block for any statement, although if present, will be ignored. There can be a maximum of 6 outputs. They are referred to as Y[1], Y[2], etc. These equations may also define a model explicitly as a function of primary and secondary variables and covariates.

As mentioned previously, in the file method of model definition, assay and model error are defined in a separate #Err block.


Y[1] = X[2]/V

Again, Pmetrics will recognize the older format Y(1), which is Y[1], but users are encouraged to adopt the newer format.

Here’s an example of an explicit model defined in the output and not the equation block.


Y[1] = RES/VD


App, List

The error section in the app and list forms of model definitions is included with the outputs.


Unlike the R6 model builder app or model list, the error block in the file is separated from the output block. This is to maintain backward compatibility with Legacy Pmetrics.

To specify the model in this block, the first line is either L=number or G=number for a \(\lambda\) or \(\gamma\) error model. The number is the starting value for \(\lambda\) or \(\gamma\). If you include an exclamation point (!) in the declaration, then \(\lambda\) or \(\gamma\) will be fixed and not estimated. Recall that you can only fix \(\lambda\) currently to zero.

The next line(s) contain the values for the assay error polynomial coefficients: \(C0\), \(C1\), \(C2\), and \(C3\), separated by commas. There should be one line of coefficients for each output equation. By default Pmetrics will use values for these coefficients found in the data file. If none are present or if the model declaration line contains an exclamation point (!) the values here will be used.

Example 1: estimated \(\lambda\), starting at 0.4, one output, use data file coefficients but if missing, use 0.1,0.1,0,0.


Example 2: fixed \(\gamma\) of 2, two outputs, use data file coefficients but if missing, use 0.1,0.1,0,0 for the first output, but use 0.3, 0.1, 0, 0 for output 2 regardless of what is in the data file.



App, List

This block is not currently implemented in either the app or list forms.


This block is for advanced Fortran programmers only. <span class=“update>Update. Occasionally, for very complex models, additional Fortran subroutines are required. They can be placed here. The code must specify complete Fortran subroutines which can be called from other blocks with appropriate call functions. As stated earlier, sometimes it is important to preserve spacing and formatting in Fortran code that you might insert into blocks, particularly the #EXTRA block. If you wish to do this, insert [format] and [/format] in the fortran model file around the affected code.

Complete File Example

Here is a complete example of a model file, as of Pmetrics version 2.1 and higher:

KE, 0, 5
V0, 0.1, 100
KA, 0, 5
Tlag1, 0, 3

C this weight is in kg

V = V0*wt

TLAG[1] = Tlag1

Y[1] = X[2]/V



By omitting a #EQN block with ODEs, Pmetrics understands that you are specifying the model to be solved algebraically. In this case, at least KE and V must be in the Primary or Secondary variables. KA, KCP, and KPC are optional and specify absorption, and transfer to and from the central to a peripheral compartment, respectively.

As described above, if you build the same algebraic model in the app and save the file, it will contain an #EQN block, with a token to indicate that the model will be solved algebraically and differential equations only for information purposes and to enable plotting of the model.

The comment line “C this weight is in kg” will be ignored.

Saving and copying models from the app

The Model List tab in the bottom window of the app shows the List form of the model. You can see it develop as you complete components. Once the model is finished, you can use one or both of the buttons at the bottom to copy or save the model.

Choosing Copy will put the code in you clipboard and you can paste it into R. It will include PM_model$new(...), so you should add code such as mod1 <- to your R script, and then paste. This will entirely define mod1 as a PM_model equivalent to what you built in the app.

Choosing Save in the app will write a file named “model.txt” to your current working directory in R that contains all the code necessary to define the same model as you build in the app. Be aware that if there is another file named “model.txt” in your working directory, it will be overwritten.

While incomplete models can be copied, a model can only be saved when it is complete. It is necessary for you to at least open relevant components to ensure that all fields are finalized in the Model List before you can save it.

Updating models


You can update an existing model in one of two ways in the app:

  • Pass the PM_model object to the app as an argument to build_model(), for example, build_model(NPex$model). Then, edit the appropriate fields in the app. Save the model as a new model and/or copy it into R. Note that the app saves all models as “model.txt” so be sure not to overwrite your old model if you wish to keep it.
  • Load a previously saved model file using the dialog button in the app and proceed as for the first option above.


Because models are loaded as memory items in R6 Pmetrics, they can be modified in R without having to edit text files. This function is accessed via the $update() method for PM_model objects.

All R6 objects are mini-environments, so direct copies of an R6 environment are in the same environment and changes to one will change them all. This means the following code will likely not work as intended.

mod2 <- mod1

When mod2 is updated, mod1 will update as they are in the same environment. The way to create an independent copy of an R6 object, which does not share the same environment, is to use the $clone() method available for all R6 objects.

mod2 <- mod1$clone()

Now changes to mod2 do not propagate to mod1.

To update a model, simply supply the list items you wish to change with the new values.

    pri = list(
      Ke = ab(1, 3),
      V = NULL,
      V0 = ab(0, 20)
    sec = "V = V0 * wt"

This example changes the range of Ke, deletes V, adds V0, and defines a new secondary relationship for V = V0 * wt.


The only way to update a model file is to edit the text file and load it with PM_model$new(). The advantage is that it is quick and relatively easy. The disadvantage is that you have to keep editing, copying and pasting files, and unless your documentation in R or elsewhere is good, you have no idea how you changed the model from run to run. In contrast, by using the $update() method in R6, you can see a written record of how the model evolved over the project.

Reserved Names

The following cannot be used as primary, covariate, or secondary variable names. They can be used in equations, however.

Reserved Variable Function in Pmetrics
ndim internal
t time
x array of compartment amounts
xp array of first derivative of compartment amounts
rpar internal
ipar internal
p array of primary parameters
r input rates
b input boluses
npl internal
numeqt output equation number
ndrug input number
nadd covariate number
rateiv intravenous input for inputs when DUR>0 in data files
cv covariate values array
n number of compartments
nd internal
ni internal
nup internal
nuic internal
np number of primary parameters
nbcomp bolus compartment array
psym names of primary parameters
fa biovailability
tlag lag time
tin internal
tout internal

Brief Fortran Tutorial

Much more detailed help is available from (

Arithmetic Operator Meaning
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
** exponentiation
Relational Operator Alternative Meaning
< .LT. less than
<= .LE. less than or equal
> .GT. greater than
>= .GE. greater than or equal
== .EQ. equal
/= .NE. not equal
Selective Execution Example
IF (logical-expression) one-statement IF (T >= 100) CL = 10

IF (logical-expression) THEN



IF (T >= 100) THEN

CL = 10

V = 10


IF (logical-expression) THEN





IF (T >= 100) THEN

CL = 10