As of version 2, Pmetrics uses the plotly package
for most plots. Plots made with plotly are interactive, so that moving
your cursor over them results in pop up information being displayed. A
nice feature of plotly is the ggplotly
command which takes
any ggplot plot object and turns it into a plotly plot. This
route doesn’t provide complete control of plotly objects, so Pmetrics
uses plotly from the ground up.
However, the documentation for plotly is a bit complex and often lacking in sufficient examples. This vignette attempts to orient you to the specific aspects of plotly most relevant to Pmetrics.
Plotly is based on a foundation of lists. Most plot elements are lists whose arguments control characteristics of the elements. Pmetrics chiefly uses only a handful of the elements.
Full descriptions of plotly elements and options to control them can
be accessed by typing plotly::schema()
into the R console.
If you have already loaded plotly you can just type
. You will see something like the menu below in the
Viewer tab in Rstudio.

In plotly, the traces items control appearance of the data. The layout items control everything to do with the appearance of the axes and the legend.
Pmetrics almost exclusively uses scatter traces, and those elements can be referenced by expanding traces ▶ scatter ▶ attributes.
There are many such attributes, but the most commonly used and accessible to the user are line and marker.
Line attributes
All plotly plots in Pmetrics have a line
argument which
maps to the line attribute of a plotly scatter trace. When
Pmetrics detects a boolean argument, e.g. TRUE
it either plots the default line or suppresses the
line altogether. A good example of this is the line
argument to plot.PM_op
to generate an observed
vs. predicted plot. In this function, line
is a list of
named lines that can be plotted. If NPex is a
PM_result object loaded with PM_load()
then the
default is
NPex$plot$op(line = list(lm = F, loess = T, ref = T))
means that a linear model (regression) will not be plotted, a loess
regression will be plotted, and a reference line with slope = 1 and
intercept = 0 will also be plotted. If we are happy with all the
defaults, we simply need to call the plot method for the PM_op
object field in NPex.
Below is a simple example of how to change the default lines plotted,
but retain the default formatting. Now a linear regression (using the R
function) is plotted with a reference line, but not a
loess regression.
NPex$op$plot(line = list(lm = T, loess = F, ref = T))
The default formats for lines may differ from function to function and are indicated in the help files. However all lines may be formatted using three arguments as a list.
Specify the color of the line as a character with either the- name: a good reference in R is to use the
function, e.g. “dodgerblue” - hexadecimal code: this can be searched on the web, and is specified as a character with leading “#” followed by 6 hexidecimal digits, two each for Red, Green, Blue, e.g. “#C0C0C0”. Adding an extra two digits specifies transparency, with 00 fully transparent and FF fully opaque, e.g. #C0C0C066”.
- a plotly function
which takes a color name and alpha (transparency) value on a scale of 0 - 1, e.g.,toRGB("red", 0.5)
- name: a good reference in R is to use the
Units are pixels. -
Sets the dash style of lines. Set to a dash type string (solid,dot, dash, longdash, dashdot, or longdashdot) or a dash length list in px (eg 5px,10px,2px,2px)
Note the default is lm = F
and ref = T
, so
we don’t need to specify them if that’s what we want.
Marker attributes
All plotly plots in Pmetrics have a marker
which maps to the marker attribute of a plotly scatter trace.
When Pmetrics detects a boolean argument, e.g. TRUE
it either plots the default marker or suppresses the
marker altogether. A good example of this is also the
argument to plot.PM_op
to generate an
observed vs. predicted plot. In this function, marker
controls the plotting symbol. If NPex is a PM_result
object loaded with PM_load()
then the default is
NPex$plot$op(marker = T)
.This means that the symbols will
be plotted with default formatting. If we are happy with all the
defaults, we simply need to call the plot method for the PM_op
object field in NPex.
The default formats for markers may differ from function to function and are indicated in the help files. However all markers may be formatted using most commonly four arguments as a list.
Specify the color of the marker fill as a character with either the- name: a good reference in R is to use the
function, e.g. “dodgerblue” - hexadecimal code: this can be searched on the web, and is specified as a character with leading “#” followed by 6 hexidecimal digits, two each for Red, Green, Blue, e.g. “#C0C0C0”. Adding an extra two digits specifies transparency, with 00 fully transparent and FF fully opaque, e.g. #C0C0C066”.
- a plotly function
which takes a color name and alpha (transparency) value on a scale of 0 - 1, e.g.,toRGB("red", 0.5)
- name: a good reference in R is to use the
Units are points. -
Either a character name or the numeric value associated with the character. Seeschema()
traces ▶ scatter ▶ attributes ▶ marker ▶ symbol ▶ values for all the possibilities, e.g. “circle-open” is equivalent to 100, “square” is equivalent to 1, and “diamond-open-dot” is equivalent to 302. -
On a scale of 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
Any other marker attribute is possible, including line
which itself is a list to specify attributes of the outline for a
Layout layout ▶ layoutAttributes ▶ displays all the options for the
layout. Pmetrics plot functions currently only provide access to the
following layout options: * legend
* xaxis
* title
Details of how each is accessed
are below.
In all relevant Pmetrics plotly plots, the argument for legend can
take one of three forms: TRUE
, or a
list. The first and second options choose to include the default legend
or to suppress the legend, respectively.
Specifying legend
as a list allows for detailed
formatting of the legend using any of the attributes documented by
typing schema()
into the R console, and expanding layout ▶
layoutAttributes ▶ legend. These can be included as elements in the
legend list.
Here’s a basic legend.
NPex$data$plot(legend = T)
…and a more complex one.