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This function will plot the percent target attainment for associated with simulations.


# S3 method for PM_pta
  at = "intersect",
  type = "pta",
  mult = 1,
  outeq = 1,
  line = TRUE,
  marker = TRUE,
  ci = 0.9,
  legend = TRUE,
  log = FALSE,
  grid = TRUE,



The name of an PM_pta data object read by makePTA


Which object in the PM_pta result list to plot. By default "intersect" if an intersection is present due to creation of the object with multiple target types, or 1 if no intersection is present, which means only 1 target type was selected. If "intersect" is present in the object, the default can be overridden with a number to plot one of the individual PTAs, e.g. at = 2 to plot the second PTA rather than the intersection of all the PTAs.


A vector of subject IDs to include in the plot, e.g. c(1:3,5,15)


A vector of subject IDs to exclude in the plot, e.g. c(4,6:14,16:20)


Character vector controlling type of plot. Default is "pta", which plots proportion with success on the y-axis and target on the x-axis. The other choice is "pdi", which plots the median pdi (pharmacodynamic index), e.g. AUC/MIC, on the y-axis, and target on the x-axis.


Multiplication factor for y axis, e.g. to convert mg/L to ng/mL


Which output equation to plot. Default is 1.


Controls characteristics of lines. This argument maps to the plotly line object. It can be boolean or a list. TRUE will plot the line with default characteristics for each simulated regimen. FALSE will suppress line plotting. If a list, it functions a little differently than other Pmetrics plotly functions. Rather than controlling individual line characteristics, for this plot, the line argument should be a list of the options for group based plotting, where each group corresponds to a simulated regimen. The possible elements of the line list should be exactly named:

  • color Maps to the plot_ly colors argument to override default colors applied to the lines for each regimen. This can be a named palette, which can be obtained with RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all() or a vector of hexadecimal color names. One way to ensure reliable color palettes is to use the ColorBrewer site. Choosing the number of data classes to correspond to regimens, and qualitative data results in a distinct palette. Easiest importing into R is to copy/paste the Export of JavaScript on the ColorBrewer website. The default is "Set1". Palettes with fewer colors than regimens will be recycled. A color can also be a character vector of color names, recycled as needed. For example, a print-friendly choice is line = list(color = "black").

  • width Maps to the plot_ly width argument to override default widths applied to the lines for each regimen. All lines will have the same width. The default value is 2.

  • dash Maps to the plot_ly linetypes argument to override default styles applied to the lines for each regimen. If numeric, will map to lty par values. It can also be a character vector of dash names as listed in plot_ly. Example: line = list(color = "Blues", width = 1, dash = 2), whicb will result in dotted lines (dash = 2) all with width 1 but in different shades of blue.


Controls the plotting symbol. This argument maps to the plotly marker object. It can be boolean or a list. TRUE will plot the profiles with default characteristics for each simulated regimen. FALSE will suppress line plotting. If a list, it functions a little differently than other Pmetrics plotly functions. Rather than controlling individual marker characteristics, for this plot, the marker argument should be a list of the options for group based plotting, where each group corresponds to a simulated regimen. The possible elements of the marker list should be exactly named:

  • color Default marker color is the same as the line color. If line color is specified, marker color does not need to also be specified. Even if line plotting is suppressed with line = F, the default color value of "Set1" will be applied to markers, unless specified, e.g. marker = list(color = "Blues").

  • symbol Maps to the plot_ly symbols argument to override default symbols applied to the markers for each regimen. If only one value is supplied for this, it will be recycled for each regimen, i.e. all will have the same symbol. See plotly::schema(), traces > scatter > attributes > marker > symbol > values for options.

  • size Maps to the plot_ly size argument to override default size applied to the markers for each regimen. All markers will have the same size. The default value is 12.


Confidence interval around curves on type = "pdi" plot, on scale of 0 to 1. Default is 0.9.


Controls display of legend. This argument maps to the plotly layout showlegend and legend arguments. It is either a boolean operator (most common) or a list of parameters to be supplied to plotly. See plotly::schema() > layout > layoutAttributes > legend and showlegend for more details on the available options for formatting. If legend is supplied as a list, the plotly layout > layoutAttributes > showlegend value will be set to TRUE automatically.


  • legend = T

  • legend = list(orientation = "h", font = list(color = "blue"))

Default will be the labeled regimen names supplied during makePTA, or if missing, "Regimen 1, Regimen 2,...Regimen n", where n is the number of regimens in the PM_pta object.


Boolean operator to plot the y axis in log base 10. This argument maps to the the yaxis type value in the layout object in plotly. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > yaxis > type.

Example: log = T


Controls grid display. This argument maps to the xaxis and yaxis layout objects in plotly. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > xaxis or yaxis > gridcolor or gridwidth. It is a Boolean operator. If FALSE, no grid is plotted. If TRUE, the default color grey and width 1 will be plotted at major tick marks. If a list, color and width can be customized.


  • grid = F

  • grid = list(gridcolor = "black", gridwidth = 2)


Value for x axis label. This argument maps to the the xaxis title element of the layout object in plotly. It can simply be a character vector of length 1 that specifies the name of the axis, or it can be a list for greater control. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > xaxis > title to see the ways to customize this axis label. In addition to the plotly attributes, a custom Pmetrics attribute bold may be included as a list element, either on its own or within the font list. The default for bold is TRUE.


  • xlab = "Time (h)"

  • xlab = list(text = "Time", bold = F, font = list(color = "red", family = "Arial", size = 10))

  • xlab = list(text = "Time", font = list(bold = T))

Default is "Target" when targets are discrete, and "Regimen" when targets are sampled.


Value for y axis label. This argument maps to the the yaxis title element of the layout object in plotly. See xlab for details. If xlab is specified as a list with formatting, and ylab is simply a character label, then the formatting for the xlab will be applied to the ylab. To format ylab independently, specify a formatting list as for xlab.

Default is "Proportion with success" for plot type = "pta" and "Pharmacodynamic Index" for plot type = "pdi".


Plot title. This argument maps to the the title layout object in plotly. It can simply be a character vector of length 1 that specifies the name of the plot title, or it can be a list for greater control. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > title to see other ways to customize the title using lists as additional arguments. In addition to the plotly attributes, a custom Pmetrics attribute bold may be included as a list element. The default for bold is TRUE.


  • title = "Observed vs. Predicted"

  • title = list(text = "Raw Data", font = list(color = "red", family = "Arial", size = 10, bold = T))

Default is to have no title.


Limits of the x axis as a vector. This argument maps to the the xaxis range in the layout object in plotly. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > xaxis > range.

Example: xlim = c(0,1)


Limits of the y axis as a vector. This argument maps to the the yaxis range in the layout object in plotly. Use the plotly plotly::schema() command in the console and navigate to layout > layoutAttributes > yaxis > range.

Example: ylim = c(0,100)


Other attributes which can be passed to the layout > xaxis/yaxis in a plotly plot to further control formatting. Note that log, xlab, ylab, xlim, and ylim are all controlled by the layout object, but are provided throughout Pmetrics plotly function arguments as shortcuts that map to layout elements. Therefore, the dots argument should be used to specify other aspects of the x axis, y axis, or both. See plotly::schema() layout > layoutAttributes > xaxis/yaxis for options. To add to single axis, name it as a list. If attributes are specified without an enclosing xaxis or yaxis list, they will be applied to both axes.


  • NPex$data$plot(xaxis = list(tickcolor = "black", tickfont = list(family = "Arial", size = 14, color = "black"))) #applies to x axis only

  • NPex$data$plot(linecolor = "red", ticks = "inside") #applies to both axes



Plots the object.


PM_pta objects are made with the $pta method for PM_sim or with PM_pta$new(). Under the hood, either method uses the makePTA function.


Michael Neely


if (FALSE) {
pta1 <- simEx$pta(
  simlabels <- c("600 mg daily", "1200 mg daily", "300 mg bid", "600 mg bid"),
  targets = c(0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), target.type = "time",
  success = 0.6, start = 120, end = 144