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Wrapper around plotly::subplot().


  nrows = 1,
  widths = NULL,
  heights = NULL,
  margin = 0.02,
  titles = NULL,
  shareX = FALSE,
  shareY = FALSE,
  titleX = shareX,
  titleY = shareY,
  which_layout = "merge"



One of the following

  • any number of plotly objects

  • a list of plotly objects. Note that unlike plotly::subplot(), ggplots and tibbles cannot be passed to this function.


number of rows for laying out plots in a grid-like structure. Default is 1.

widths, heights

Vector of relative column widths or heights on a 0-1 scale. By default all columns have an equal relative width/height, i.e. c(0.5, 0.5) for two columns, rep(0.25, 4) for 4 columns.


either a single value or a vector of four values (all between 0 and 1), e.g. c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1) If four values are provided, the first is used as the left margin, the second is used as the right margin, the third is used as the top margin, and the fourth is used as the bottom margin. If a single value is provided, it will be used as all four margins.


Include titles on individual subplots? Default is NULL. If specified as vector of length 2, will be rendered as x and y values relative to each plot. For example, title = c(0,1) plots the titles in the upper left corner of each subplot and title = c(1,0) renders the titles in the lower right corner. Title text and formatting will be grabbed from each individual plot. To modify these characteristics, modify the code that generated the individual plot.

shareX, shareY

Should the x- or y- axis be shared amongst the subplots?

titleX, titleY

Should x- or y- axis titles be retained?


Adopt the layout of which plot? If the default value of "merge" is used, layout options found later in the sequence of plots will override options found earlier in the sequence. This argument also accepts a numeric vector specifying which plots to consider when merging.


A plot and plotly object combining all the plots in ..., which can be further modified.


This function addresses the deficiency with the native plotly method of combining multiple plots that prevents individualized titling of subplots. The function has identical arguments to plotly::subplot() with the addition of a titles argument. In addition to subplot, the behavior of this function is two-fold:

  • Fetch the titles (text and formatting) from each included plot

  • Include the titles with placement per the titles argument


Michael Neely


plot1 <- NPex$op$plot(title = "Posterior")
plot2 <- NPex$op$plot(pred.type = "pop", title = "Population")
sub_plot(plot1, plot2, titles = c(0, 0.95), nrows = 2)