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Will extract height, weight, and BMI for boys, girls or both for a given range of ages in months and percentiles. This can be useful for simulations in Pmetrics.


qgrowth(sex = "B", agemos = (seq(0, 18) * 12), percentile = 50)



A single quoted character: "M" for males, "F" for females, or "B" for both. Default is "B".


A vector of ages in months to return. The default is seq(0,18)*12, i.e. 0 to 216 months in increments of 12, which is 1 to 18 years. Values do not have to be multiples of 12.


An integer vector of the percentile for each age/sex to return. Default is 50, but could be, for example c(5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95).


A dataframe with columns

  • agemos Age in months

  • ageyrs Age in years

  • wt Weight in kilograms

  • ht Height or length in centimeters

  • bmi Body mass index $kg/m^2$

  • sex The selected sex(es)

  • percentile The selected percentile(s)


Michael Neely