Convert old-style, USC*PACK single drug working copy files into
a PM_data object and write a .csv file to the current working directory.
PMwrk2csv(prefix, ext = NULL, nsub)
- prefix
The alphabetic prefix of the working copy files to be converted,
as a character vector.
- ext
The extension of the working copy files files, if it exists.
Does not have to be specified.
- nsub
The number of subjects, or working copy files to read.
A new file will be created with the name equal to prefix
an extension of "csv".
This function will determine if the working copy files are old and convert them.
New, multi-drug working copy files will be ignored. IDs will be suffixed with
.1 to .9 for <10 subjects, .01 to .99 for <100 subjects and .001 to .999 for <1000 subjects,
as needed to ensure unique ID numbers.